urban | Christina Felschen

urban | Christina Felschen

Tough selection, soft landing: Is Canada’s immigration policy as good as its image?

Translation of my German-language radio documentary (19mn), broadcast by Deutschlandfunk (German public radio) on Nov 23, 2021 >>

Canada opened its borders to people of all nationalities in the 1960s, provided they had the right qualifications. The German government is discussing whether this could be a model for them. But critics say Canada’s often idealized immigration system is classist and encourages exploitation.

Under the bridges of Stockton

published by ZEIT ONLINE, January 2, 2018 >> (text, translation, and photos: CF)

The Bay Area is booming, but misery is spreading in the hinterland of San Francisco. A young mayor is now experimenting with a radical idea: a basic income.

“Ms Lemper, Marlene Dietrich would like you to call her back!”

published by German Embassy Washington D.C. and germany.info, directing + editing: Wiebke Nauhauser, cinematography: myself

An international icon for her acting, singing and style: in 1939, Marlene Dietrich became a US citizen and took a clear stand against the Nazi dictatorship in her homeland. 80 years later, German performer Ute Lemper, likewise world famous and living in New York, has dedicated a production to Dietrich – inspired by a phone call from the legend herself.

A long ride home

produced for New York Film Academy

Judi learnt to ride a bike as an adult – and the newfound freedom changed her life. She cycled all over the world, before she returned to her native New York with the mission to get her own community on wheels. But coming home is a shock: Her community criticizes her for doing “white people’s stuff” and her mother fears for her life. Will she convince them?


produced for New York Film Academy

Amidst film stars and hipsters at the Union Square Greenmarket in downtown Manhattan, an elderly lady bends down into garbage bags to sort other people’s waste. Who is this woman with a Dutch queen’s name and a German accent? And what does she hope to achieve in a city that likes nothing more than to buy and to throw away?

Harlem Beauty

produced for New York Film Academy

La Chama has been trimming hair in her Harlem Beauty Salon for two decades. This Mother’s Day, the women of the neighborhood are queuing in hope for a miracle on their heads. But La Chama faces a challenge: What if there is little left to trim?

Dance, dance, dance

published by Lufthansa Magazine, August 2018, print and online >>

The city that never sleeps had an old dancing ban in place, from 1926 – until the current mayor overturned it. We visit some night owls as they ­celebrate their first summer of freedom.

Undocumented – and indispensable

published in German by ZEIT ONLINE on February 28, 2017 >>

Harvest workers, nannies, craftspeople: Eleven million people live in the US without papers, nothing goes without them. Trump wants to deport them anyway. A life full of fear.

How to save money (and still enjoy your life) in the Bay Area

published on the expat blog Life in the Bay, September 2016 >>

When lawyer Kate Dowing announced that she would move out of Silicon Valley due to the exorbitant housing prices, the story went viral. It emphasized what many Bay Area residents know all too well: If you come to this affluent area for other reasons than working for a major tech company, life will be very expensive. Here are some ideas to make it work nevertheless.

“We are treated like slaves in our own country”

written for the Peace Boat website on January 14th, 2013 >>

Two decades after Nelson Mandela’s release out od prison, the legacy of apartheid prevails in Manenberg, Cape Town’s largest township.