travel | Christina Felschen

travel | Christina Felschen

Dance, dance, dance

published by Lufthansa Magazine, August 2018, print and online >>

The city that never sleeps had an old dancing ban in place, from 1926 – until the current mayor overturned it. We visit some night owls as they ­celebrate their first summer of freedom.

West Coast, wild coast

Five years in California. The tallest trees, the steepest mountains, a big fat photo book.

Canoeing into Utah’s Labyrinth Canyon

published on Life in the Bay, July 12, 2016 (blog went offline, unfortunately)

You could wait a few years for a permit to kayak the Grand Canyon – or you start further upstream right away, in the Labyrinth Canyon. Be prepared: This surreal place with its towering walls and unmusical birds will cast its spell on you.