dance | Christina Felschen

dance | Christina Felschen

Dance, dance, dance

published by Lufthansa Magazine, August 2018, print and online >>

The city that never sleeps had an old dancing ban in place, from 1926 – until the current mayor overturned it. We visit some night owls as they ­celebrate their first summer of freedom.

Hula without Hoop – Hawai’i in Berlin-Kreuzberg

article published in taz newspaper on August 8, 2009 >> , video produced at EJS School of Journamlism

By dancing hula Hawaiians insure themselvs of their identity. Hula is their history book, their religion, their means of opposition to the century-old US domination. As one of very few foreigners, the German-Namibian Monika Lilleike has been initiated to the hula alliance on the Pacific island. Today, she reinvents the tradition of her master  on the beach of Berlin river Spree.