Thrilled to hear that Estela de Carlotto finally found her grandson yesterday – 37 years after his mother was murdered by the militares. “I won’t give up until I find him”, she told us, when Peace Boat visited the Abuelas de la Plaza de Mayo last year.
Guido Carlotto is N° 114 in a long line of children who “regained their identity” as the Abuelas say. But according to “Hija” Catalina there is more to that: What if you discover that your would-be-parents are actually the murderers of your real parents? Leaning the truth about the sufferings of your parents and the lies you were brought up with are a traumatic experience for most “Hijos”.
What will the remaining 400 hijos “out there” feel, when they read about Guido Carlotto these days? Do they have the slightest idea? And if they do, what keeps them from coming out?
iEnhorabuena, Estela de Carlotto! Y que las otras #Madres y #Abuelas también encontrarán sus niet@s desaparecidos.. #PlazaDeMayo
— Christina Felschen (@chessocampo) August 6, 2014