empowerment @en | Christina Felschen

empowerment @en | Christina Felschen

Just be a hummingbird!

published by Peace Boat on February 16th, 2013 in English >> and Spanish >>

The British author Binka Le Breton has found her land of milk and honeyin the Brazilian rainforest. With her NGO Iracambi, an entire village and some volunteer scientists she tries to investigate and restore the Atlantic Rainforest.

Hula without Hoop – Hawai’i in Berlin-Kreuzberg

article published in taz newspaper on August 8, 2009 >> , video produced at EJS School of Journamlism

By dancing hula Hawaiians insure themselvs of their identity. Hula is their history book, their religion, their means of opposition to the century-old US domination. As one of very few foreigners, the German-Namibian Monika Lilleike has been initiated to the hula alliance on the Pacific island. Today, she reinvents the tradition of her master  on the beach of Berlin river Spree.

A grassroots revolution

In March 2011 this text was shortlisted for the Minority Voices Young Journalism Award; see the original feature in German language at Einloggen13, the online magazine of the EJS School of Journalism >>

The citizen journalists of InsightShare or Rising Voices believe in the best of all possible worlds: a world in which the disenfranchised rise their voices. Like Keidy and Rezwan who get involved virtually and are threatened for real.